May 7, 2012

Dream Catchers Are Overcomers!

I spent the weekend at Souly Business -- -- serving in the kitchen non-stop: washing dishes, cutting produce, mopping floors, pulling pork, making banana pudding, etc. My schedule:
  • Friday: Left house in Atlanta at 6:45AM. Started work at 10:30AM. Left the kitchen for the bunk in my cabin at 11PM. 
  • Saturday: Woke up at 4:30AM to make breakfast for 150 men. Worked till 4PM. One hour break. Then worked from 5 to 11PM.
  • Sunday: Woke up at 4:30AM. Worked till 12:30PM.
We've all served others and know how good it feels to do so. I share this specific experience with you because it was so intense and exhausting...and the more challenging it became, the more valuable the experience was for me. 

You might have heard the phrase "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger." That's not a fact, that's a opportunity. Difficulties can make us better. Therefore, difficulties can be the reason we succeed. 

When we are pursuing our dreams, difficulties will come. The wise dream chaser will exercise her "overcome" muscle so that when she gets punched in the face, she doesn't get knocked out. Instead, she shakes it off, gets back up, learns from the pain, and continues the chase. 

So sign up for a half marathon (running my first on December 1 of this year!), go serve at a retreat, challenge yourself in some way. Dream catchers are great overcomers!

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